Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Stupid Party continues

Republicans continue to party like its 1999; so ignorant of the negative affect that “conservatism” has on any young vibrant person who wants to achieve success in the world; conservatism is the descriptor of an old man; it is behind as in always running behind.

The GOP…another self abusive term the stupid party loves to use will never ever be the party of freedom and liberty and capitalism; it cannot give the youth what it wants; it probably really doesn’t care; at least the elite pulling the strings.

So happy they are with the “tradition” of being a second class loser party.

BP heart on BO

The previous cynical BP leadership backed the wrong horse; promoted BO with money and prestige and influence; helped “The One” with unknown resources; they backed a man who has only contempt for property rights and capitalism; which I suppose proves that BP didn’t believe in true freedom that is required for capitalism and achievement. BO TKO’d BP. Maybe they changed…right along with their self destructive environmental marketing campaign.  “Environmentalism” is the denial of man’s worth.

see Think Progress for their opinion of this once fabulous company:

Monday, March 17, 2014


It is incredible that leftists environmentalists full court propaganda against capitalism; public school kids indoctrinated into thinking that there is no energy and effort put into the hard work of capitalism and property rights; while the environmental parasites use the wealth of capitalism to destroy it.