Saturday, November 1, 2014

Republicans Ignorance of Capitalism results in continued output of a substandard product; the American graduate

How is it possible that the GOP claims to be for individual freedom and simultaneously back the monopoly of forced public education?

Because K-12/+4+2++++ is a Centrally planned top down government/Democrat/Union  operation from which the stupid party gets little positive benefit. The hand maiden to government schools are the not for profit schools. They don’t want a real market in education either.

State education promulgates the government as utopia; the state education machine since its inception was first and always for itself; the decline of American education output can be tracked close to a hundred years. Until a REAL “liberal” minded Republican Party can convince Americans of the damage gov schools inflict on our society the U.S. will continue to struggle. Ignorant graduates of gov schools beget even more ignorant graduates; we are all the poorer for it.

It is humorous to see the GOP claim free market and property rights as the greatest concept of western civ except of course not in education; incongruous logic of Republican leadership.

It is twisted logic to expect government schools would teach what is in the individual’s best interest.

The goofy morons in the g o p support government schools while most all of the teachers and admin donations, and significant union dues go to Democratic operatives. 

The GOP cannot claim to be the party of individual freedom while supporting state monopolies in education; by not taking a stand now more wealth flows to the state and Democratic party putting the Republicans at further disadvantage.

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